Keyframe Animation REel
Animation Reel Breakdowns
Magnus Archives Tribute
Personal Project completed in 2021. Rig courtesy of AnimSquad.
Dragon Prince 01
Layout camera, Characters, prop and creature placement and cycle.
Blocking and polish for character and props
Characters and props baked to camera.
Dragon Prince 02
Layout for camera and character placement.
Blocking and polish for characters.
Dragon Prince 03
Layout for camera and character positioning.
Blocking and polish for characters.
Supernatural Academy 01
Initial layout, character and camera placement.
Character Blocking and Polish
Supernatural Academy 02
Initial layout, character and camera placement.
Character Blocking and Polish
Supernatural Academy 03 - 04
Layout camera, Characters, prop and creature placement and cycle.
Blocking and polish for creatures.
Supernatural Academy 05
Layout camera, Characters, prop and creature placement and cycle.
Blocking and polish for character and props
Supernatural Academy 06
Layout camera, Characters, prop and placement.
Blocking and polish for character and props
Dragon Prince 07
Blocking and polish for character and props
Characters and props baked to camera.
Rigged and Animated rudimentary proxy effects for the 2D effects department -
Dragon Prince 08
Blocking and polish for character and props
Characters and props baked to camera.
Rigged and Animated rudimentary proxy effects for the 2D effects department -
Dragon Prince 09
Blocking and polish for character and props.
Characters and props baked to camera.
Rigged and Animated rudimentary proxy effects for the 2D effects department -
Dragon Prince 10
Created custom performances for each dragon based on a common cycle.
Blocking and polish for character and props.
Created proxy SFX rigs as place-holders for the 2D effects department.
Characters and props baked to camera.
Rigged and Animated rudimentary proxy effects for the 2D effects department -
Dragon Prince 11
Blocking and polish for characters creatures and props
Characters and props baked to camera.
Created proxy SFX rigs as place-holders for the 2D SFX department.
Dragon Prince 12
Layout camera, Characters, prop and creature placement and cycle.
Blocking and polish for character and props
Characters and props baked to camera.
Dragon Prince 13
Layout camera, Characters, prop and creature placement and cycle.
Blocking and polish for character and props.
Characters and props baked to camera.
Glitch Test
Animation test I completed in 6 days. I then decided to polish because I was having fun. While I didn’t end up getting an offer I enjoyed working on this enough to spend more time polishing it afterwards.
Dragon Prince 14
Blocking and polish for character and props
Characters and props baked to camera.